Week 19: Appearance is deceptive

Your body can influence your thoughts. Our non-verbal communication is our first communication with others, but it is also our first communication with ourselves. Amy Cuddy explains to us how we can change our non-verbal communication, our posture, by practicing a small exercise for 2 minutes. She explains that we can consciously adopt high-power poses… Continue reading Week 19: Appearance is deceptive

Week 23 : The magic is created: the soul acts (La magie se crée : l’âme agit)

Events and circumstances have happened in my life this week. I had the impression to live “the never-ending story”. This is the story of a little boy reading a book and reading this book he is drawn in to live this story. I actually experienced what is explained in the law of least effort explained… Continue reading Week 23 : The magic is created: the soul acts (La magie se crée : l’âme agit)